O amor ao próximo é um dos princípios mais importantes ensinados por Jesus Cristo, sendo, para muitos, quase sinônimo de sua mensagem. Ao longo de sua vida e ministério, Jesus deu inúmeros exemplos de como devemos tratar os nossos irmãos com compaixão, perdão e amor incondicional. Inspire-se nos ensinamentos de Jesus, afinal, atos de amor ajudam a espalhar a Palavra.
Jesus ensinou que devemos amar não apenas aqueles que nos amam, mas também nossos inimigos ou quem consideramos inimigos, mesmo que sem absoluta certeza.
Em Lucas 10:30-37, Jesus conta a parábola do Bom Samaritano. Um homem é assaltado e deixado quase morto. Dois passam por ele sem ajudá-lo, mas um samaritano, considerado inimigo dos judeus, oferece ajuda ao desamparado. Jesus explica que o verdadeiro amor ao próximo transcende barreiras culturais e preconceitos, encorajando-nos a agir com compaixão para com todos.
Em João 8:3-11, Jesus encontra uma mulher acusada de adultério, prestes a ser apedrejada. Diferente dos demais, Ele não a condena, mas desafia os acusadores, dizendo:
"Aquele que dentre vós está sem pecado seja o primeiro que atire pedra contra ela."
Todos vão embora, e Jesus salva e orienta a mulher, mostrando um exemplo poderoso de perdão e compaixão.
Em Mateus 8:5-13, um centurião prova a sua fé, acreditando que Jesus pode curar seu servo apenas com uma palavra. Jesus, impressionado com a fé do centurião, cura o servo.
Este ato de amor e cura mostra que Jesus ajuda a todos, independentemente de origem, posição social ou qualquer outra classificação. Ele é misericordioso sem ver a quem.
O maior ato de amor ao próximo foi feito por Cristo na Cruz para que pudéssemos ser salvos. Em João 15:13, Jesus disse:
"Ninguém tem maior amor do que este, de dar alguém a sua vida pelos seus amigos."
Lembre-se sempre de agradecer pelo sacrifício de Jesus, que deu sua vida na Terra por nós, a humanidade.
Compartilhe esses ensinamentos de Jesus sobre amor, perdão e salvação e ajude a espalhar o Amor e a Palavra de Cristo.
Deus abençoe!
44 But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you
3 And the scribes and ye pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in advoutry and set hyr in the myddes
4 and sayde vnto him: Master this woman was taken in advoutry even as the dede was a doyng.
5 Moses in the lawe comaunded vs yt suche shuld be stoned. What sayest thou therfore?
6 And this they sayde to tempt him: that they myght have wherof to accuse him. Iesus stouped doune and with his fynger wrote on the grounde.
7 And whyll they continued axynge him he lyfte him selfe vp and sayde vnto them: let him yt is amoge you wt out synne cast the fyrst stone at her.
8 And agayne he stouped doune and wrote on ye grounde.
9 And assone as they hearde that they went out one by one the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte a lone and the woman stondynge in ye myddes.
10 When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne and sawe no man but the woman he sayde vnto hyr. Woman where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the?
11 She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo and synne no moare.
30 Iesus answered and sayde: A certayne ma descended fro Hierusalem into Hierico and fell in to the hondes of theves which robbed him of his raymet and wounded him and departed levynge him halfe deed.
31 And by chaunce ther came a certayne preste that same waye and when he sawe him he passed by.
32 And lykewyse a Levite when he was come nye to the place wet and loked on him and passed by.
33 Then a certayne Samaritane as he iornyed came nye vnto him and when he sawe him had compassion on him
34 and went to and bounde vp his woundes and poured in oyle and wyne and put him on his awne beaste and brought him to a comen ynne and made provision for him.
35 And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pece and gave them to the host and sayde vnto him. Take cure of him and whatsoever thou spedest moare when I come agayne I will recompence the.
36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou was neighbour vnto him yt fell into ye theves hondes?
37 And he sayde: he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him. Goo and do thou lyke wyse.
5 When Iesus was entred into Capernau ther came vnto him a certayne Centurion and besought hym
6 sayinge: Master my seruaunt lyeth sicke at home of ye palsye and ys greuously payned.
7 And Iesus sayd vnto hym: I will come and heale him.
8 The Centurio answered and sayde: Syr I am not worthy yt thou shuldest come vnder my rofe but speake ye worde only and my servaut shalbe healed.
9 For I also my selfe am a man vndre power and have sowdiers vndre me and I saye to one go and he goeth and to anothre come and he cometh: and to my seruaut do this and he doeth it.
10 When Iesus hearde yt he marveled and sayd to them yt folowed hym. Derely I say vnto you I have not foude so great fayth: no not in Israel.
11 I say therfore vnto you that many shall come fro the eest and weest and shall rest wt Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heve:
12 and the chyldren of ye kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge and gnasshing of tethe.
13 The Iesus sayd vnto ye Centurion go thy waye and as thou belevest so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was healed the selfe houre.
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.