1 Naquela mesma noite fugiu o sono do rei; então mandou trazer o livro de registro das crônicas, as quais se leram diante do rei.

2 E achou-se escrito que Mardoqueu tinha denunciado Bigtã e Teres, dois dos camareiros do rei, da guarda da porta, que tinham procurado lançar mão do rei Assuero.

3 Então disse o rei: Que honra e distinção se deu por isso a Mardoqueu? E os servos do rei, que ministravam junto a ele, disseram: Coisa nenhuma se lhe fez.

4 Então disse o rei: Quem está no pátio? E Hamã tinha entrado no pátio exterior da casa do rei, para dizer ao rei que enforcassem a Mardoqueu na forca que lhe tinha preparado.

5 E os servos do rei lhe disseram: Eis que Hamã está no pátio. E disse o rei que entrasse.

6 E, entrando Hamã, o rei lhe disse: Que se fará ao homem de cuja honra o rei se agrada? Então Hamã disse no seu coração: De quem se agradaria o rei para lhe fazer honra mais do que a mim?

7 Assim disse Hamã ao rei: Para o homem, de cuja honra o rei se agrada,

8 Tragam a veste real que o rei costuma vestir, como também o cavalo em que o rei costuma andar montado, e ponha-se-lhe a coroa real na sua cabeça.

9 E entregue-se a veste e o cavalo à mão de um dos príncipes mais nobres do rei, e vistam delas aquele homem a quem o rei deseja honrar; e levem-no a cavalo pelas ruas da cidade, e apregoe-se diante dele: Assim se fará ao homem a quem o rei deseja honrar!

10 Então disse o rei a Hamã: Apressa-te, toma a veste e o cavalo, como disseste, e faze assim para com o judeu Mardoqueu, que está assentado à porta do rei; e coisa nenhuma omitas de tudo quanto disseste.

11 E Hamã tomou a veste e o cavalo, e vestiu a Mardoqueu, e o levou a cavalo pelas ruas da cidade, e apregoou diante dele: Assim se fará ao homem a quem o rei deseja honrar!

12 Depois disto Mardoqueu voltou para a porta do rei; porém Hamã se retirou correndo à sua casa, triste, e de cabeça coberta.

13 E contou Hamã a Zeres, sua mulher, e a todos os seus amigos, tudo quanto lhe tinha sucedido. Então os seus sábios e Zeres, sua mulher, lhe disseram: Se Mardoqueu, diante de quem já começaste a cair, é da descendência dos judeus, não prevalecerás contra ele, antes certamente cairás diante dele.

14 E estando eles ainda falando com ele, chegaram os camareiros do rei, e se apressaram a levar Hamã ao banquete que Ester preparara.

1 That night the king was unable to get any sleep; and he sent for the books of the records; and while some one was reading them to the king,

2 It came out that it was recorded in the book how Mordecai had given word of the designs of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's servants, keepers of the door, by whom an attack on the king had been designed.

3 And the king said, What honour and reward have been given to Mordecai for this? Then the servants who were waiting on the king said, Nothing has been done for him.

4 Then the king said, Who is in the outer room? Now Haman had come into the outer room to get the king's authority for the hanging of Mordecai on the pillar which he had made ready for him.

5 And the king's servants said to him, See, Haman is waiting in the outer room. And the king said, Let him come in.

6 So Haman came in. And the king said to him, What is to be done to the man whom the king has delight in honouring? Then the thought came into Haman's mind, Whom, more than myself, would the king have pleasure in honouring?

7 And Haman, answering the king, said, For the man whom the king has delight in honouring,

8 Let them take the robes which the king generally puts on, and the horse on which the king goes, and the crown which is on his head:

9 And let the robes and the horse be given to one of the king's most noble captains, so that they may put them on the man whom the king has delight in honouring, and let him go on horseback through the streets of the town, with men crying out before him, So let it be done to the man whom the king has delight in honouring.

10 Then the king said to Haman, Go quickly, and take the robes and the horse, as you have said, and do even so to Mordecai the Jew, who is seated at the king's doorway: see that you do everything as you have said.

11 Then Haman took the robes and the horse, and dressing Mordecai in the robes, he made him go on horseback through the streets of the town, crying out before him, So let it be done to the man whom the king has delight in honouring.

12 And Mordecai came back to the king's doorway. But Haman went quickly back to his house, sad and with his head covered.

13 And Haman gave his wife Zeresh and all his friends an account of what had taken place. Then his wise men and his wife Zeresh said to him, If Mordecai, who is starting to get the better of you, is of the seed of the Jews, you will not be able to do anything against him, but you will certainly go down before him.

14 While they were still talking, the king's servants came to take Haman to the feast which Esther had made ready.