1 Levantando-se de madrugada Jerubaal, que é Gideão, e todo o povo que estava com ele, acamparam-se junto à fonte Harode: o arraial de Midiã estava da banda do norte, perto do outeiro de Moré, no vale.

2 Disse Jeová a Gideão: Tens contigo gente demais para eu entregar os midianitas nas suas mãos, sem que Israel se glorie contra mim, dizendo: Foi a minha própria mão que me salvou.

3 Agora apregoa aos ouvidos do povo, dizendo: Quem é medroso e tímido, volte, e retire-se do monte Gileade. Voltaram do povo vinte e dois mil; e ficaram dez mil.

4 Disse mais Jeová a Gideão: Ainda há povo em demasia. Faze-o descer às águas, e ali tos provarei: Irá contigo aquele de quem eu te disser: Este irá contigo; porém não irá aquele de quem eu te disser: Este não irá contigo.

5 Fez descer o povo às águas; e disse Jeová a Gideão: Todo o homem que lamber as águas com a língua, como faz o cão, a esse porás à parte; como também a todo aquele que se abaixar de joelhos para beber.

6 Foi o número daqueles que lamberam, levando a mão à boca, trezentos homens; mas todo o resto do povo abaixou-se de joelhos para beber água.

7 Então disse Jeová a Gideão: Com estes trezentos homens que lamberam a água, vos salvarei, e entregarei os midianitas nas tuas mãos. Quanto a todo o povo, vá cada um ao seu lugar.

8 Tomou o povo provisões na sua mão e as suas trombetas: Gideão enviou todos os homens de Israel, cada um à sua tenda, porém reteve os trezentos homens. Estava o arraial de Midiã em baixo do vale.

9 Disse-lhe naquela noite Jeová: Levanta-te, desce ao arraial, porque to entreguei nas mãos.

10 Mas, se tu tiveres medo de descer, desce tu e teu moço, Pura, ao arraial:

11 Ouvirás o que dizem; depois serão fortalecidas as tuas mãos para desceres sobre o arraial. Desceu ele e o seu moço Pura ao extremo das sentinelas que estavam no arraial.

12 Os midianitas, os amalequitas e todos os filhos do Oriente estavam estendidos no vale como gafanhotos em multidão; eram os seus camelos uma multidão inumerável, como areia que há na praia do mar.

13 No momento em que Gideão chegou, um homem estava contando um sonho ao seu companheiro, e dizia: Tive um sonho. Eis que um pão de cevada torrado veio rolando sobre o arraial de Midiã, chegou a uma tenda, bateu nela de sorte que ela caiu, e virou-a de cima para baixo de modo que ficou estendida por terra.

14 Respondeu-lhe o companheiro: Isso não é outra coisa senão a espada de Gideão, filho de Joás, homem israelita: nas mãos dele entregou Deus a Midiã e a todo o arraial.

15 Tendo Gideão ouvido a narração do sonho e a sua interpretação, prostrou-se para adorar; voltou ao arraial de Israel e disse: Levantai-vos, pois Jeová vos entregou nas mãos o arraial de Midiã.

16 Dividiu os trezentos homens em três companhias, e pôs nas mãos de todos eles trombetas, e cântaros vazios, contendo tochas.

17 Disse-lhes: Olhai para mim, e fazei assim como eu fizer. Quando eu chegar à extremidade do arraial, como eu fizer, assim fareis vós.

18 Quando eu tocar a trombeta, eu e todos os que estiverem comigo, tocai também vós as trombetas ao redor de todo o arraial, e dizei: por Jeová e por Gideão.

19 Gideão e os cem homens que com ele iam chegaram à extremidade do arraial ao princípio da vigília média, havendo sido de pouco colocadas as guardas; tocaram as trombetas e despedaçaram os cântaros que tinham nas mãos.

20 As três companhias tocaram as trombetas, despedaçaram os cântaros, segurando com as mãos esquerdas as tochas e com as direitas as trombetas para as tocarem e clamaram: A espada de Jeová e de Gideão!

21 Conservou-se cada um no seu lugar ao redor do arraial, que todo deitou a correr: gritaram, e puseram-nos em fuga.

22 Tocaram as trezentas trombetas, e Jeová fez voltar a espada de um contra outro, e contra todo o arraial, que fugiu até Bete-Sitá em direção de Zererá, até o termo de Abel-Meolá, junto a Tabate.

23 Foram convocados os homens de Israel, de Naftali, de Aser e de toda a tribo de Manassés, e perseguiam a Midiã.

24 Gideão enviou mensageiros por toda a região montanhosa de Efraim, dizendo: Descei ao encontro de Midiã, e tomai-lhes as águas até Bete-Bara, isto é, o Jordão. Foram convocados todos os homens de Efraim, e tomaram as águas até Bete-Bara, o Jordão.

25 Aprisionaram aos dois príncipes de Midiã, a Orebe e a Zeebe; mataram a Orebe no penhasco de Orebe, e a Zeebe no lagar de Zeebe. Perseguiram a Midiã: e trouxeram as cabeças de Orebe e de Zeebe a Gideão, da banda dalém do Jordão.

1 Then Jerubbaal, that is, Gideon, and all the people with him, got up early and put up their tents by the side of the water-spring of Harod; the tents of Midian were on the north side of him, under the hill of Moreh in the valley.

2 And the Lord said to Gideon, So great is the number of your people, that if I give the Midianites into their hands they will be uplifted in pride over me and will say, I myself have been my saviour.

3 So now, let it be given out to the people that anyone who is shaking with fear is to go back from Mount Galud. So twenty-two thousand of the people went back, but there were still ten thousand.

4 Then the Lord said to Gideon, There are still more people than is necessary; take them down to the water so that I may put them to the test for you there; then whoever I say is to go with you will go, and whoever I say is not to go will not go.

5 So he took the people down to the water; and the Lord said to Gideon, Put on one side by themselves all those drinking up the water with their tongues like a dog; and in the same way, all those who go down on their knees to the water while drinking.

6 Now the number of those who took up the water with their tongues was three hundred; all the rest of the people went down on their knees to the water.

7 And the Lord said to Gideon, By those three hundred who were drinking with their tongues I will give you salvation and give the Midianites into your hands; let the rest of the people go away, every man to his place.

8 So they took the vessels of the people, and their horns from their hands, and he sent them away, every man to his tent, keeping only the three hundred; and the tents of Midian were lower down in the valley.

9 The same night the Lord said to him, Up! go down now against their army, for I have given them into your hands.

10 But if you have fear of going down, take your servant Purah with you and go down to the tents;

11 And after hearing what they are saying, you will get strength to go down against the army. So he went down with his servant Purah to the outer line of the tents of the armed men.

12 Now the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the people of the east were covering the valley like locusts; and their camels were like the sand by the seaside, without number.

13 When Gideon came there, a man was giving his friend an account of his dream, saying, See, I had a dream about a cake of barley bread which, falling into the tents of Midian, came on to the tent, overturning it so that it was stretched out flat on the earth.

14 And his friend in answer said, This is certainly the sword of Gideon, the son of Joash, the men of Israel: into their hands God has given up all the army of Midian.

15 Then Gideon, hearing the story of the dream and the sense in which they took it, gave worship; then he went back to the tents of Israel, and said, Up! for the Lord has given the army of Midian into your hands.

16 Then separating the three hundred men into three bands, he gave every man a horn, and a vessel in which was a flaming branch.

17 And he said to them, Keep your eyes on me, and do what I do; when I come to the outer line of tents, whatever I do, you are to do the same.

18 At the sound of my horn, and the horns of those who are with me, let your horns be sounded all round the tents, and say, For the Lord and for Gideon.

19 So Gideon and the three hundred men who were with him came to the outer line of tents, at the start of the middle watch, when the watchmen had only then taken their stations; and the horns were sounded and the vessels broken.

20 So the three bands all gave a loud note on their horns, and when the vessels had been broken, they took the flaming branches in their left hands, and the horns in their right hands ready for blowing, crying out, For the Lord and for Gideon.

21 Then they made a line round the tents, every man in his place; and all the army, awaking from sleep, came running out, and with loud cries went in flight.

22 And the three hundred gave a loud note on their horns, and every man's sword was turned by the Lord against his brother all through the army; and the army went in flight as far as Beth-shittah in the direction of Zeredah, to the edge of Abel-meholah by Tabbath.

23 And the men of Israel came together from Naphtali and from Asher and all Manasseh, and went after Midian.

24 Then Gideon sent through all the hill-country of Ephraim saying, Come down against Midian, and keep the ways across Jordan before they come. So all the men of Ephraim, massing themselves together, kept the ways across Jordan.

25 And they took the two chiefs of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; and they put Oreb to death at the rock of Oreb, and Zeeb they put to death at the place of the grape-crushing in Zeeb, and they went after Midian; but the heads of Oreb and Zeeb they took across Jordan to Gideon.