1 Então vieram de Jerusalém a Jesus alguns fariseus e escribas e perguntaram-lhe:

2 Por que transgridem os teus discípulos a tradição dos anciãos? pois não lavam as mãos quando comem pão.

3 Respondeu-lhes: E vós, por que transgredis o mandamento de Deus por causa da vossa tradição?

4 Pois Deus disse: Honra a teu pai e a tua mãe, e também: Quem maldisser a seu pai ou a sua mãe, seja morto; mas vós ensinais:

5 Se alguém disser a seu pai ou a sua mãe: Aquilo que eu te poderia dar, já ofereci a Deus;

6 o tal não precisará mais honrar a seu pai nem a sua mãe. Assim invalidais a palavra de Deus por causa da vossa tradição.

7 Hipócritas, bem profetizou de vós Isaías:

8 Este povo honra-me com os lábios, Mas o seu coração está longe de mim;

9 Adoram-me, porém, em vão, Ensinando doutrinas que são preceitos de homens.

10 Chamando a si a multidão, disse-lhe: Ouvi e entendei:

11 Não é o que entra pela boca o que contamina o homem, mas o que sai da boca, é isso o que o contamina.

12 Então os discípulos, aproximando-se de Jesus, perguntaram-lhe: Sabes que os fariseus, ouvindo o que disseste, ficaram escandalizados?

13 Mas ele respondeu: Toda a planta que meu Pai celestial não plantou, será arrancada pela raiz.

14 Deixai-os; são cegos, guias de cegos. Se um cego guiar outro cego, cairão ambos no barranco.

15 Disse-lhe Pedro: Explica-nos a parábola.

16 Respondeu Jesus: Também vós não entendeis ainda?

17 Não sabeis que tudo o que entra pela boca, desce ao ventre e é lançado em lugar escuso?

18 Mas tudo o que sai da boca, vem do coração, e isto contamina o homem.

19 Pois do coração procedem maus pensamentos, homicídios, adultérios, fornicações, furtos, falsos testemunhos, blasfêmias.

20 Estas coisas são as que contaminam o homem; porém o comer sem lavar as mãos não o contamina.

21 Tendo saído Jesus dali, retirou-se para os lados de Tiro e de Sidom.

22 Uma mulher cananéia, que tinha vindo daquelas regiões, clamava: Senhor, filho de Davi, tem compaixão de mim! minha filha está horrivelmente endemoninhada.

23 Todavia ele não lhe respondeu palavra. Chegando seus discípulos, rogaram-lhe: Despede-a, porque vem clamando atrás de nós.

24 Mas Jesus respondeu: Não fui enviado senão às ovelhas perdidas da casa de Israel.

25 Contudo ela, aproximando-se, o adorou, dizendo: Senhor, socorre-me!

26 Ele respondeu: Não é bom tomar o pão dos filhos e lançá-lo aos cachorrinhos.

27 Ela, porém, replicou: Assim é, Senhor; mas até os cachorrinhos comem das migalhas que caem da mesa de seus donos.

28 Então lhe disse Jesus: Ó mulher, grande é a tua fé! faça-se contigo como queres. E desde aquela hora sua filha ficou sã.

29 Partiu Jesus daquele lugar e voltou ao mar da Galiléia; e tendo subido ao monte, ali se assentou.

30 Veio a ele uma grande multidão, trazendo consigo coxos, aleijados, cegos, mudos, e outros muitos, e puseram-lhos aos pés; ele os curou,

31 de modo que a multidão se maravilhou, ao ver mudos falar, aleijados ficar sãos, coxos andar, cegos ver; e glorificaram ao Deus de Israel.

32 Chamando Jesus a seus discípulos, disse: Tenho compaixão deste povo, porque há três dias que estão sempre comigo e nada têm que comer. Não quero despedi-los em jejum, para que não desfaleçam no caminho.

33 Disseram-lhe os discípulos: Onde encontraremos neste deserto tantos pães para fartar tão grande multidão?

34 Perguntou-lhes Jesus: Quantos pães tendes? Responderam: Sete, e alguns peixinhos.

35 Tendo mandado ao povo que se assentasse no chão,

36 tomou os sete pães e os peixes e, dando graças, partiu-os e entregou aos discípulos, e os discípulos entregaram-nos ao povo.

37 Todos comeram e se fartaram; e do que sobejou levantaram sete alcofas cheias de pedaços.

38 Ora os que comeram, foram quatro mil homens, além de mulheres e crianças.

39 Despedido o povo, Jesus entrou na barca e foi para os confins de Magadã.

1 Then there came to Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes, saying,

2 Why do your disciples go against the teaching of the fathers? for they take food with unwashed hands.

3 And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?

4 For God said, Give honour to your father and mother: and, He who says evil of father or mother will be put to death.

5 But you say, If a man says to his father or his mother, That by which you might have had profit from me is given to God;

6 There is no need for him to give honour to his father. And you have made the word of God without effect because of your teaching.

7 You false ones, well did Isaiah say of you,

8 These people give me honour with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

9 But their worship is to no purpose, while they give as their teaching the rules of men.

10 And he got the people together and said to them, Give ear, and let my words be clear to you:

11 Not that which goes into the mouth makes a man unclean, but that which comes out of the mouth.

12 Then the disciples came and said to him, Did you see that the Pharisees were troubled when these words came to their ears?

13 But he said in answer, Every plant which my Father in heaven has not put in the earth, will be taken up by the roots.

14 Let them be: they are blind guides. And if a blind man is guiding a blind man, the two will go falling into a hole together.

15 Then Peter said to him, Make the story clear to us.

16 And he said, Are you, like them, still without wisdom?

17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth goes on into the stomach, and is sent out as waste?

18 But the things which come out of the mouth come from the heart; and they make a man unclean.

19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, the taking of life, broken faith between the married, unclean desires of the flesh, taking of property, false witness, bitter words:

20 These are the things which make a man unclean; but to take food with unwashed hands does not make a man unclean.

21 And Jesus went away from there into the country of Tyre and Sidon.

22 And a woman of Canaan came out from those parts, crying and saying, Have pity on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is greatly troubled with an unclean spirit.

23 But he gave her no answer. And his disciples came and said to him, Send her away, for she is crying after us.

24 But he made answer and said, I was sent only to the wandering sheep of the house of Israel.

25 But she came and gave him worship, saying, Help, Lord.

26 And he made answer and said, It is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs.

27 But she said, Yes, Lord: but even the dogs take the bits from under their masters' table.

28 Then Jesus, answering, said to her, O woman, great is your faith: let your desire be done. And her daughter was made well from that hour.

29 And Jesus went from there and came to the sea of Galilee; and he went up into the mountain, and took his seat there.

30 And there came to him great numbers of people having with them those who were broken in body, or blind, or without voice, or wounded, or ill in any way, and a number of others; they put them down at his feet and he made them well:

31 So that the people were full of wonder when they saw that those who had no voice were talking, the feeble were made strong, those whose bodies were broken had the power of walking, and the blind were able to see: and they gave glory to the God of Israel.

32 And Jesus got his disciples together and said, I have pity for the people, because they have now been with me three days and have no food: and I will not send them away without food, or they will have no strength for the journey.

33 And the disciples say to him, How may we get enough bread in a waste place, to give food to such a number of people?

34 And Jesus says to them, How much bread have you? And they said, Seven cakes, and some small fishes.

35 Then he gave an order to the people to be seated on the earth,

36 And he took the seven cakes of bread and the fishes; and having given praise, he gave the broken bread to the disciples, and the disciples gave it to the people.

37 And they all took food, and had enough; and they took up of the broken bits, seven baskets full.

38 And there were four thousand men who took food, together with women and children.

39 And when he had sent the people away, he got into the boat, and came into the country of Magadan.