1 Jeová, Senhor nosso, Quão majestoso é o teu nome em toda a terra! Tu que puseste a tua glória nos céus.

2 Da boca de pequeninos e crianças de peito tiraste a fortaleza, Por causa dos teus adversários, Para fazeres calar o inimigo e o vingador.

3 Quando contemplo os teus céus, obra dos teus dedos, A lua e as estrelas que formaste;

4 Que é o homem, para te lembrares dele? E o filho do homem, para o visitares?

5 Pois o fizeste pouco abaixo de Deus, De glória e de honra o coroaste.

6 Deste-lhe domínio sobre as obras das tuas mãos; Tudo puseste debaixo dos seus pés:

7 As ovelhas e os bois, todos eles, Também os animais do campo;

8 As aves do céu e os peixes do mar, Tudo o que passa pelas veredas do mar.

9 Jeová, Senhor nosso, Quão majestoso é o teu nome em toda a terra!

1 To the chief music-maker on the Gittith. A Psalm. Of David.

2 \8:1\O Lord, our Lord, whose glory is higher than the heavens, how noble is your name in all the earth!

3 \8:2\You have made clear your strength even out of the mouths of babies at the breast, because of those who are against you; so that you may put to shame the cruel and violent man.

4 \8:3\When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have put in their places;

5 \8:4\What is man, that you keep him in mind? the son of man, that you take him into account?

6 \8:5\For you have made him only a little lower than the gods, crowning him with glory and honour.

7 \8:6\You have made him ruler over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet;

8 \8:7\All sheep and oxen, and all the beasts of the field;

9 \8:8\The birds of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatever goes through the deep waters of the seas.

10 \8:9\O Lord, our Lord, how noble is your name in all the earth!